shameful 14 Jun 2007 12:23 am

OTE – HOL – VIVODI : I am the customer, So you owe me big !!!

I am the customer. I have chosen you as my preffered supplier or partner so now you owe me, you owe me big. It is your job to give me what I need and keep me coming back for more.
You now have the  responsibility to provide me with the best possible solution in the fastest possible time at the best possible price. You now owe me this commitment and if you are, as you claim to be, the best provider of this service, you will pay me what you owe me. I will owe you after you satisfy my need. I will pay you when I owe you.
I do not care for your internal problems, your miscommunications or your personal intrigues, your little competition. I do not care.

I do not want to be told about what cannot be done. Everything is possible given enough time and money. Take more time and you’ll get less money.
Satisfy me. Now.

One Response to “OTE – HOL – VIVODI : I am the customer, So you owe me big !!!”

  1. on 20 Jun 2007 at 10:54 am 1.VELONIAS DIMITRIS said …

    Absolutely agree with you.
    You should also include Tellas in you list as they are causing the same problems till now.
    The only company that insures availablity and reliability is On Telecoms.

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